ISINNOVA’s Giovanna Giuffrè will speak at the Rare 2030 final conference, to be held on Tuesday 23 February 2021 at 13:30 – 18:30 CET. Co-hosted by Members of the European Parliament, this event will present Rare 2030’s conclusive policy recommendations. Click here to register:
Rare 2030 has spent two years in imagining the future and gathering inputs from a large group of patients, practitioners and key opinion leaders to propose forward-looking policy recommendations, which intend to lead to improved and future-proof policy for people living with rare diseases in Europe.
The Rare 2030 policy recommendations will be presented during a plenary in presence of high-level speakers and Rare 2030 partners.
Experts in the field will also join 7 theme-specific breakout sessions to further explore the Rare 2030 recommendations with concrete examples of how these can be used in advocacy work. These breakout sessions will be the opportunity for participants to discuss and brainstorm in small groups, give feedback, take ownership of the Rare 2030 recommendations, and be inspired to take action in helping the community.
The future of rare diseases starts now.
To attend the event, register here:
Co-hosted by Members of the European Parliament Frédérique Ries (Belgium) and Cristian Silviu Bușoi (Romania), the Rare 2030 Conference will take place online on 23 February 2021 (13:30 – 18:30 CET).
Rare 2030 has already published four possible future scenarios, depicting what the world could be like for people living with a rare disease in 2030. Discover them here: