BIOSURF contributes to the establishment of the European Renewable Gas Registry (ERGaR), an international non-profit organisation.
We Collaborated With:
European Biogas Association (EBA), Arge Kompost Und Biogas Osterreich Verein (AKB), AGCS – Gas Clearing and Settlement Ag, Cib-Consorzio Italiano Biogas E Gassificazione (CIB), Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe E.V. (FNR), Magyar Biogaz Egyesulet (HBA), DBFZ Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum Gemeinnuetzige GmbH (DBFZ), Groupement Regional des Centres d’Études Techniques Agricoles de l’Ile de France GRCETA (GRCETA), Renewable Energy Association Lbg (REA), Fachverband Biogas Ev (GBA).
Want to discuss this kind of project? Talk to…
Stefano Proietti
Senior Project Manager