BIOMETHAVERSE (Demonstrating and Connecting Production Innovations in the Biomethane Universe) aims to diversify the technology basis for biomethane production in Europe, to increase its cost-effectiveness, and to contribute to the uptake of biomethane technologies. To this aim, five innovative biomethane production pathways will be demonstrated in five European countries: France, Greece, Italy, Sweden and Ukraine. The project’s production routes cover one or a combination of the following production methodologies: thermochemical, electro-biochemical, and biological. As a starting point, four demonstration plants use conventional anaerobic digestion (AD), and one uses conventional gasification. All demonstrated production routes go beyond conventional technologies, with a circular approach for the use of energy and materials, while aiming at reducing the overall biomethane production costs and increasing the biomethane production.
*This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe Reasearch and Innovation Programme.
BIOMETHAVERSE sets out to increase the biomethane production potential in Europe. Over the past decade, biomethane production has been steadily growing. BIOMETHAVERSE is expected to boost the current biomethane production by 66%. This upscaling of biomethane production could enable 113 Mt CO2eq GHG savings in Europe, which is similar to the current GHG emissions of Belgium. BIOMETHAVERSE’s innovations also aim to ensure that biomethane reaches gas grid quality standards at affordable production prices allowing the scale-up of biomethane production in Europe. Today, the production cost of biomethane ranges from €55/MWh to €110/MWh, depending on feedstock, technology and plant scale. The project is expecting to reduce biomethane production costs by 44%. In order to maximise the impact of the innovations, all partners are committed to ensuring the replicability and upscaling of the demonstrated production pathways while guaranteeing swift market access to the technologies. In addition to the environmental benefits, BIOMETHAVERSE will also contribute to support the renewable energy sector in reaching the necessary workforce. By 2030, the project is expected to create 294,000 additional jobs.
- Project Coordinator
ISINNOVA is responsible for BIOMETHAVERSE’s managerial, administrative and financial aspects and its internal and external front-office duties. This includes the production of activity and financial reports, so as to ensure effective delivery of project outputs within time, cost and resource constraints, with high quality standards. ISINNOVA will operate in close contact with the European Commission, as well as with other initiatives and stakeholders interested in the project, including the cluster of ‘buddy’ projects funded under the same call. - Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Leader
ISINNOVA will develop stategies and implement tools to maximise the impact of the project’s activities and results. This includes the establishment and management of external communication channels (project website, multi-language newsletters, etc.) and the development of the project’s visual identity. ISINNOVA will promote project activities and results to multiple audiences (stakeholders, media, citizens, etc.); disseminate knowledge and results, according to the principles of open science, amongst industry, policy makers, scientists, etc., to favour replicability, market penetration and to inform policy decisions; effectively exploit project results during and beyond the project lifetime and showcase project results at dedicated events all around Europe.
ISINNOVA is also responsible for the production of an Exploitation Roadmap - Leader of the Replicability of Demonstrators Analysis
ISINNOVA will develop a report summarising activities and outcomes of the replicability analysis conducted on the five demonstrators to power the replication of BIOMETHAVERSE’s technologies.
ISINNOVA| European Biogas Association (Scientific Coordinator) | ENEA | Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABIO) | Biogas Lagada | CERTH | Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)| Cortus Energy | WARTSILA Sweden | ENGIE | Aeris Tecnologías Ambientales |Leitat |DTU | FAU | Gruppo CAP | Energigas Sverige | MHP |Politecnico di Milano | Consorzio Italiano Compostatori | Società Italiana Acetilene e Derivati (SIAD) | DBFZ | Ellmann Engineering