Smart and Sustainable CitiesTitleYearPaolucci L. “Estimating the Replication Potential of Urban Solutions for Socially Integrative Cities”, Chapter 14 from the book “Towards Socially Integrative Cities”, Muller B.2021European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Borsboom, J., Haindlmaier, G., Dinges, M., Gualdi M., et al., “Mission area: climate-neutral and smart cities: foresight on demand brief in support of the Horizon Europe mission board, Publications Office of the European Union”2021Ruggedised: lessons learned on replication for wide uptake. A report on the replication trajectory of the RUGGEDISED project2021Ricci A., Enei R., Ma E., “Social Cost–Benefit Analysis—Supporting Urban Planning and Governance for Enhancing Social Integration, in MDPI 2021 Towards Socially Integrative Cities”. (Book)2021By admin|2024-05-07T15:11:59+02:00April 30th, 2024|Comments Off on Smart and Sustainable CitiesShare This Story, Choose Your Platform!FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkEmail