Carlo Sessa
Senior Partner
Lead Researcher
Main area of expertise: Foresight, Quality of Life Indicators, Community Engagement
Degree in Statistical and Demographic Sciences (Sapienza University, Rome)
“For progress to occur, it is fundamental that industry experts, policymakers and citizens engage with one another.”
Carlo joined ISINNOVA in 1983.
Carlo is ISINNOVA’s Research Director and former company President.
Carlo has extensive experience in coordinating EU research projects, particularly in the fields of transport, energy, environment, and urban governance.
Carlo is passionate about bringing together industry experts and citizens to discuss future scenarios and challenges, with a view to increasing public awareness of science and technology, and he leads several participatory projects to this end.
Projects coordinated and supported by Carlo include: TRANSPLUS (transport and land use planning), RAISE (raising citizen awareness of European urban research), Move Together (citizen engagement in sustainable mobility research), AWARE (citizen engagement in coastal water quality research), PASHMINA and FLAGSHIP (foresight projects), and ESPON QoL (territorial quality of life measurement).
Amongst his notable achievements, Carlo developed a grant allocation methodology that is used by local authorities, including the Italian Ministry of the Interior. Before joining ISINNOVA, Carlo conducted research at New York University together with Nobel Prize winner, Wassily Leontieff.
Carlo’s favourite book is “The Strange Order of Things: Life, Feeling and the Making of Cultures”, by Antonio Damasio.
Speaks: Italian, English, French
Carlo’s publications include:
- 2021 – Co-creating Sustainable Mobility Solutions for guests and citizens: the experience in the Elba island, in Theocharis Tsoutsos (ed.). Sustainable Mobility for Island Destinations. Springer (forthcoming)
- 2017 – New Horizons: Future Scenarios for Research & Innovation Policies in Europe, Co-author, European Commission, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, Brussels
- 2016 – AWARE: Bridging the knowledge of Citizens, Scientists and Policy Makers for Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management, in “Knowledge brokerage for sustainable development: innovative tools for increasing research impact and evidence-based policy making”, edited by Andre Martinuzzi and Michal Sedlacko, Greenleaf Publishing Limited
- 2016 – The Socio-Economic Impact of Urban Road Automation Scenarios: CityMobil2 Participatory Appraisal Exercise, Co-author, in “Road Vehicle Automation 3”, edited by Gereon Meyer and Sven Beiker, Springer
- 2014 – Planning sustainable mobility in polycentric regions: testing a participatory approach in six regions of Europe, Co-author, Transport Research Procedia, Elsevier
- 2014 – The Global Economy in 2030: Trends and Strategies for Europe, Co-author, edited by Daniel Gros and Cinzia Alcidi, CEPS, Brussels
- 2013 – Scenarios Assessment and Transitions towards a Sustainable Euro-Mediterranean in 2030, Co-author, CEPS Policy Paper, Brussels
- 2013 – The World in 2050 and the New Welfare Scenario, Co-author, Futures 58, Elsevier
- 2012 – Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management in Europe, Bridging the Knowledge of Citizens, Scientists and Policy Makers, Editor, IWA Publishing
- 2012 – Towards a European Good Governance Barometer, Okologisches Wirtschaften, Berlin
- 2007 – Achieving Sustainable Cities and Integrated Land use and Transport Strategies, in “Land Use and Transport, European Research towards Integrated Policies”, Edited by Stephen Marshall and David Banister, Elsevier