Ricerca Responsabile e Innovazione Titolo Anno Andrea Ricci, Nicoletta Amodio, Ezio Andreta, Daniela Corda, Adriano De Maio, Diassina Di Maggio, Giorgio Einaudi, Maria Cristina Pedicchio, Claudio Pettinari, Fabio Pistella, Marina Silveri; “Interim Evaluation of Horizon Europe – Final Report” APRE, 2023. 2023 European Commission, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, “Stories from 2050 : radical, inspiring and thought-provoking narratives around challenges and opportunities of our futures”, Schindler T.(editor), Guadarrama Baena G.(editor), Publications Office, (2021). 2021 Sessa C., Galvini G. (2020). “Recommendations and Measures to Maximise IDR Impact on Society”. 2020 Ricci A., “Integrating qualitative scenarios with quantitative modeling: lessons learnedfrom recent EC foresight projects. Extended abstract prepared for presentation at the EU Conference on Modelling for Policy support: Experiences, challenges and the way ahead”. 26 -27 November 2019, Brussels. 2019 Weber M., Andreescu L., Cuhls K., Dragomir B., Gheorghiu R., Giesecke S., Ricci A., Rosa A., Schaper Rinkel P., Sessa C. (2019) “Transitions on the Horizon: Perspectives for the European Union’s future research and innovation policies. 2019 Ricci, A., & Weber, K. M. (2018). Beyond the horizon. Foresight in support of the European Union´s future policy in research and innovation. In Re:thinking Europe. Positions on Shaping an Idea (pp. 239-258). 2018 Weber M., Andreescu L., Cuhls K., Dragomir B., Gheorghiu R., Giesecke S., Ricci A., Rosa A., Schaper-Rinkel P., Sessa, C. (2017). “New Horizons: Future Scenarios for Research & Innovation Policies in Europe.” Publications Office of the European Union: Luxembourg. 2017 Jagwitz A., von Laes E., Zaldua M., Faberi S., Six D., Velte D., Vingerhoets P., García E.,Urcola I., Baiocco S., Delnooz A.,(2017). “Study on barriers and opportunities for Smart Grids deployment”. 2017 Haegeman K., Scapolo F., Ricci A. et al “Quantitative and qualitative approaches in Future-Oriented Technology Analysis: from combination to integration?” Futures, Special Issue: Low Carbon Futures (2014). 2014 Sessa C., & Ricci A. (2014). “The world in 2050 and the New Welfare scenario”. Futures, 58, 77-90. 2014 Ayadi R., & Sessa C. (2013). “Scenarios assessment and transitions towards a sustainable Euro Mediterranean in 2030”. MedPro Policy Paper No, 9. 2013 Sessa C. (Ed.). (2012). Sustainable Water Ecosystems Management in Europe. IWA Publishing. 2012 Sessa C., & Ricci A. (2010). Working with and for the citizens. Innovation–The European Journal of Social Science Research, 23(1), 49-60. 2010 Di admin|2024-05-16T16:21:40+02:00Aprile 29th, 2024|It|Commenti disabilitati su Ricerca Responsabile e Innovazione Share This Story, Choose Your Platform! FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkEmail Scritto da: admin